
You would think after the 56 hours that I've had that I would be completely done with writing. But I had to type out one more thing.
Today, I finally, finished my masters degree. My back hurts, my fingers are swollen, and the sound of my own typing annoys me. But, I'm done. Next May, I'll once again walk across the Vandy stage and grab another black and gold encased diploma.

This whole experience has turned my life upside down. My summer has been filled with classes and research, scheduling interviews of consultants for my research project, and neglecting my household chores. I'm oddly excited to be able to clean on a regular basis again and not have to read for class while my favorite tv shows drone on in the background.

The craft projects that I have been dreaming of will no longer tease me and I can finally get down to planning our wedding. The save the dates have been sitting on my desk, taunting me to send them for 3 months! Oh and I'll get to blog more often (and pin too).

Most importantly, I'll get to spend time with my family and friends again instead of having to tell them "nope, I can't, school."

Thanks to everyone who supported me throughout this journey.
To celebrate I poured myself a big tall St. Tom! We first had a St. Tom at our friends' Matt and Melissa's wedding. Although Mike and I normally are fearful of gin, we fell in love with this little number: a concoction our bartender--Tom, who shall forever be named St. Tom--had just made up.

Here's the recipe (aka our best guess):
Mmmm....St. Tom
In a shaker combine with ice:

  • 2 parts lemonade
  • 2 part gin
  • 1 part lavender simple syrup (you can make it yourself)
  • 1 part elderflower syrup (or if you want to get DRUNK, St. Germaine)

Shake. Serve in a martini glass, or if you're lazy like me, forget the shaking and throw it all in a glass, stir, drink, try not to fall asleep while typing blog.

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